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/ The Ultimate Human Body 2.0 / Ultimate Human Body 2.0, The (1996)(Dorling Kindersley).iso / emg3 / liga000e.png < prev    next >
Portable Network Graphic  |  1996-08-08  |  50KB  |  465x385  |  8-bit (129 colors)
Labels: broccoli | cell | dirt track | earth | mountain | plant | road | sky | stairs | windowpane
OCR: LINING OF THE GALLBL ADDER "HE LINING of your gallbladder cavities In your gallbladder, these made of epithelial cells lying cells absorb water from greenish over muscular laver Epithelial liquid called bile concentrating cells are specialized cells found W hen the gallbla dder empty sheets covering surfaces or lining the lining relaxes into folds. Epithelial cells Folded lining musc ular layer punoy